2016 Pet Week Coloring Contest!

The Humane Society of St. Joseph County will be taking submissions of original drawings of art done by K-4th & 5th-8th grade students for a chance to win great prizes sponsored by Mutual Bank!

1st Place: Tablet
2nd Place: Nintendo DS
3rd Place: Bowling Party

K-4th: Draw a picture of your favorite animal in its natural habitat.

5-8th: Draw a picture of a new animal you have created! You may use features from existing animals. You must include the name of the new animal, what it eats and where it lives.

Use minimum of 8 ½ “x 11” -up to and including poster size
Print name, grade, address and phone number on back of drawing. Drawings without this information will be discarded. Only 1 entry per child. Turn submission in at a Mutual Bank location or at the Humane Society of St. Joseph County by May 23, 2016.

Winners will be announced and awarded June 11th.

121 S. Church St., Mish, 2850 W. Cleveland Rd., SB, 742 E. Ireland Rd., SB 23761 Western Ave, SB
2427 Mishawaka Ave., SB., 411 McKinley, Mish., 402 W. Cleveland Rd., Granger

Submissions will be on display at the Humane Society from June 1– June 13th. You may pick up your submission June 14th & 15th.

2016 Color Contest Flyer